Friday, September 28, 2012

Almost there, but...

I haven't posted in a while, and by in a while I mean since I started blogging a year ago...yeah....whoops.
Whatever.  I thought to start back up I'd check in with those good ol' New Years resolutions:

The Resolutions:

The Results:
1. I kind of stopped. Basically whenever my nails are painted I'm good, but other than that is chompin' time.
2. I'm better, but I still manage to procrastinate on those long writing assignments. I have til midterms to get my shit together.
3. Didn't do INSANITY, but I did start working out more regularly after A Chorus Line. In fact, I started doing a little half hour workout with some ladies in the theatre department which I prefer to call BUFF UP BITCHES.
4.  I have been more positive, but when I get super busy or anxious I tend to slide back into bitch central.
5.  Uhh... have you been reading my past few results? Yeah...
6. I did get a C last semester. I suck. Hopefully this semester will be better. It seems to be going better. I just figured out how awesome the library is for getting crap done. Who knew?
7. DELTA ZETA has been great! I still have to miss a lot, but I've definitely made it more of a priority and I'm so happy that I have. There are some amazing girls in our house and I've been lucky enough to have time to get to know them better this semester.
8. I was getting more sleep,  then I started getting more homework. I have been being more consistent about waking up early though and that feels awesome.
9. I've been good about soda. I caved a couple of times during A Chorus Line when I just needed some sugar during those 12 hour rehearsals.
10. I've been better about taking a chill pill. Could always use more down time. Once I start Boardwalk Empire I'm sure it'll come.

Sweet deal. I didn't totally ignore my goals. I still have three months to really focus on them. Although, #10 is probably gonna fly out the window on my birthday (which is in 24 days, I might add).


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